To accommodate the existing process and accounting needs for processing check batches received by the lockbox, we have created a batch process which will update Neon and export to Financial Edge. This article highlights the steps needed to create, add, edit, review and post check batches.
Sign in
Go to to sign in to the batch processing application.
Create a New Batch
Use the blue box on the right to add a new batch. See detail in the image below.

To add a new batch, input the Batch Description, Batch Date, Projected Amount and Projected No. of Checks and click Add Batch.

Enter Gifts
Upon creating a new batch, you will be brought to a new screen. Gifts can be added in the blue box on the right. As you add them, they will be listed in the white space to the left.

Total number of checks and Donation Amounts will be updated as you add each check. These dynamic numbers are located at the top left of the screen above the blue box.

You can search for a donor by using the Donor field and typing in any part of the first or last name, company name, address, city, state or zip or account number. Click on the correct donor and add Gift Subtype (see paragraph below for detail), Check Type (Business Check or Personal Check), Check No., Check Amount, Note/Reference and Fund. We’ll review Split Gifts, Pledges and Soft Credits separately. Click Add and note that the gifts shows up in the list to the left.

Once you’ve added a gift, you are able to edit it from the list on the left by clicking EDIT to the left of the gift. This will open the gift in a yellow box as seen in the image under the section on Gift Subtype below. Edit as needed and click UPDATE or REMOVE if you are deleting it altogether.
Gift Subtype
The Gift Subtype field contains a dropdown list of all of the possible subtypes.

Create New Constituent Account
If a donor does not already have an account, you can create one by clicking on the + button in the right side of the donor field. This will pop up a form (see form below). The new account will be assigned to the payment you’re editing.

Split GIFT
When there is a split gift (a check that is designated for more than one fund), you can use the +SPLIT button to add additional funds and the corresponding amount for each.

Soft Credit
When there is a soft credit (when an individual is giving through AC, a church or a corporation or foundation and has does not receive a tax credit from MNA):
- Make the donor the AC, Church or Corp/Foundation. The check is written from their account.
- Choose the corresponding Gift Subtype from the dropdown menu.
- In the Soft Credit field which appears when you choose a Gift Subtype that includes a soft credit, put the name of the individual.

There is a second step you’ll need to do to apply soft credits to posted donations. On the home screen that lists batches, click the “APPLY SOFT CREDIT” button to open the Soft Credit screen in Neon, search for the account listed under the Soft Credit column, enter the amount, and apply the credit in Neon. Come back to this window and check the box to indicate that you’ve completed this one (for your own reference).

If a donor has an open pledge, a list of their pledges will appear in the “Apply to Pledge?” field near the bottom. Choose to apply the gift to a pledge using this field.

Closing Batch
When a batch is complete and both the number of checks and the amount total match, change the status of the batch by using the drop down menu in the Status field at the top of the page.

Change the status to Pending Approval to indicate it is ready for review.

Review and Approval Process
Once the batch has been reviewed, use the drop down menu in the Status field to set the batch as approved. Return to the home screen to review the list of batches. From here you can choose multiple reports to download and save.