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  4. Pulpit Pastors Extend Their Ministries into Their Communities as Volunteer Chaplains
  1. Home
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  3. Chaplain Ministries
  4. How to Become a Civilian Chaplain
  5. Pulpit Pastors Extend Their Ministries into Their Communities as Volunteer Chaplains

Pulpit Pastors Extend Their Ministries into Their Communities as Volunteer Chaplains

If you are a Teaching Elder who is burdened to extend your ministry beyond your congregation, consider serving as a volunteer Chaplain in your community (Disaster Response, Law Enforcement, Fire Department, Hospitals, Retirement Centers, Hospice Organizations, Corrections facilities, etc.).  This ministry enables you to minister to and share Christ with people who will likely never walk into your sanctuary.  Our currently endorsed Volunteer Pastor Chaplains report that they often get new visitors to their churches through this outreach ministry.  We have information about this opportunity on our website, or call or email Dr. Michael Stewart at 706-329-3600 or mstewart@pcanet.org.

Updated on December 7, 2023

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