Why We Need Financial Support

Chaplain Ministries is a great value for your “missionary support” dollar.  Our military and civilian “missionaries’” salaries and benefits are paid by the institutions the chaplains work for.  That is usually the largest component of most missionary budgets, and even though we only have three full-time and two part-time employees (I, as the Executive Director, my Administrative Assistant, our Civilian Chaplain Associate Director, and our two part-time-time Military Associate Directors), it is also the largest component of our budget as well.

Chaplain Ministries Budget Overview:

Salaries and Benefits $282,000
Travel    $60,000
Chaplain Training    $17,000
Telephone    $7,000
Printing/Postage/Materials/Supplies    $24,000
The Guardian Prayer Newsletter (printing and postage)    $28,000
Equipment/Computer supplies    $1,500
Commission Meeting Expenses     $7,500
PCA General Assembly      $2,500
Honorariums and Retirement Gifts       $2,500
 Update Chaplain DVD and Chaplain Brochures $600
NCMAF, ECVAC, COMMISS & Other Organization dues       $4,300
Total  $ 436,900

Since salaries and travel make up the majority of our budget, you might wonder what is it that we actually DO with that money you send to us?

I tell people that we:

“Catch, Credential, Care, and Cover”

Jim Carter wears two hats.  One is the “Mission to North America, Chaplain Ministries Coordinator hat.  The other is his Presbyterian and Reformed Commission on Chaplains and Military Personnel (PRCC), Executive Director and Endorser hat.”  The latter role includes six other Reformed and Presbyterian denominations (ARPC, OPC, KAPC, KPCA, URCNA, and RPCNA). When you put them all together we have over 281 military and civilian chaplains and approved candidates across the world with whom we are engaged.

“Catching,” of course, is recruiting new men to serve in the “high adventure” role of military or civilian chaplain. We are happy to report that over 92 men are currently in the application process!

“Credentialing” is ensuring these men meet denominational and government standards for their particular chaplaincy. Education is critical, and so is physical and spiritual fitness.

“Caring” is the most important thing we do! Our chaplains are highly trained, Godly, professional men who give of themselves day after day.  They pour themselves into the lives of others… and do so with intensity that would exhaust the most dedicated Servants of Christ. Our Chaplains need care!

“Cover” The war on religious liberty in American has actually started in our military.  When the government allowed open homosexuals in our military services, the law of the land came into conflict with the Word of God.   Military Commanders are afraid to ruin their careers by supporting their Chaplains who are from faith groups, like ours, that believe that the Bible’s teaching on this subject is in opposition to the current laws.  So far, our chaplains have been able to be faithful to their beliefs, but the enemy is looking for examples of Chaplains to rid the military of our ways of thinking and teaching.  Our staff is spending a lot of time coaching and covering the backs of our chaplains these days.  We really appreciate your prayers in this regard.

EMAIL us at ChaplainMinistries@pcanet.org


James R. Carter
Executive Director, Presbyterian & Reformed Commission on Chaplains & Military Personnel (PRCC)
MNA Chaplain Ministries Director
Chaplain (COL) USA, RET.



Updated on July 9, 2020

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