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With us on this webcast were:
Don Baret had been a television producer for 30 years and is now in a second career on the senior staff at MNA. He wears two hats at MNA – Media Producer and Assistant ESL Ministry Director. Part of his responsibility includes MNA’s Multiply, that has just switched from a quarterly printed version to a monthly video version.
Benjie Slaton – Planting Grace+Peace Church in the Chattanooga suburbs. Benjie and his wife Natalie have 3 teenage children. Before moving to Chattanooga in 2018, Benjie served as RUF Campus Minister at the University of Texas in Austin as well as on staff at All Saints PCA in Austin and Redeemer PCA in San Antonio.
Tony Crowder serves the US Customs and Border Patrol as the Acting Deputy Executive Assistant Commissioner, Air and Marine Operations (AMO) and a member at Grace+Peace.
Mike Kennamer is the Manager – Charles H. Jones Family Disaster Response Center & Disaster Response Regional Specialist for the Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia region. Mike started volunteering with MNA Disaster Response in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina decimated the Gulf Coast and joined the MNA Disaster Response staff in 2015.