“Choosing and retaining the right pastor is the key variable in planting a new mission.”
-Lyle Schaller
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Why Be Assessed?
Planting a new church is a ministry requiring special gifts, abilities, experiences and calling distinct from typical pastoral ministry.
The MNA Assessment Center is a three-day event used to help evaluate interested pastors in the specific competencies for church planting. Some of the competencies include:
Vital Spiritual Life: exhibiting a compelling walk with God; living by grace, practicing love.
Strong Prayer Life: depending on God through prayer as a priority.
Personal Integrity: exercising strong biblical morality and principles in daily life.
Family Life: developing growing love relationships among family members who share the vision of ministry.
Evangelism: cooperating with God in leading people to salvation.
Visionary Leadership: leading others with grace to accomplish God’s plan.
Preaching: proclaiming God’s Word confidently
How Am I Assessed?
Candidates are involved in simulated church planting exercises, small group experiences, teaching modules, evaluation instruments and personal interviews with qualified and godly assessment staff.
During assessment you will enjoy fellowship with fellow candidates and staff through meals, worship times, classroom interaction and informal opportunities. Each person assessed receives confidential feedback, as well as a complete evaluation to assist in determining God’s direction for a church planting ministry.
Benefits Of Assessment
Confidence and confirmation for the emboldened planter– You will be confident of your calling, giftedness and readiness for a church planting ministry.
Protection from the trauma and pain of burnout – Thoroughness in the process protects you and your family from unrealistic expectations.
Church leaders are more confident – Their investment of time, people and resources is better served by the assessment process.
Cost vs. Investment
The cost of assessment is relatively small considering the investment that individuals, churches and presbyteries make in starting a new church. It is a wise investment of God’s resources to help couples faithfully and carefully discern God’s will for their lives.
The MNA Assessment Center seeks to keep costs to a minimum by limiting them to lodging, food, materials and administrative needs. We are fully committed to keeping the assessment process “budget friendly”.
Often, a candidate’s church, presbytery or denomination will share the responsibility of the assessment cost. Applicants should contact their respective leadership for possible financial aid or assistance.
Please be assured that each candidate’s assessment information is held in strict confidence and only released by his permission.
Click here for a schedule of upcoming assessments.
Note: Qualification for church planting by the Center does not guarantee placement.
What Others Have Said!
“I really appreciate all of the time each one of you gave to my husband and me, it was truly a blessing to us individually and as a couple to help us through this process and for all your feedback throughout the last days. Thank you for your love to us and for stepping away from your families and lives to serve us.”
“Great time of evaluation of myself and spouse. God has already used this week significantly!”
“The assessors did a wonderful job of engaging with us and loving us.”
“A appreciate all the time and energy that the assessors and MNA invested. Thanks!”
“Fantastic, would definitely come again! Honestly, I wish I could go through this yearly. Best experience in my ministry career, great for my marriage! Disappointed it was only three days.”
“Wonderful experience. Praise God for His servants who want to help see His glory spread to the nations! Love the missional spirit!”
“Thanks to assessors for all your time & effort – I am so impressed with the whole process of evaluating church planters.”
“It was a milestone in our marriage to be affirmed in who we are and what we want our lives to look like in reaching the lost.”
“I especially appreciate the encouraging and challenging words brought to the wives. All the assessors were so wonderful, encouraging, and accepting.”
“My wife and I both felt genuinely loved & cared for. This made our time very helpful & encouraging.”
Where Do I Start?
To get started, read What Is Church Planter Assessment? and Twenty-One Questions.
To get started, click the link to Schedule an Information Call here. This call will be with Jenny Dorsey, MNA Church Planter Assessment Center Administrator. The call will last about 15 – 30 minutes and includes you and your wife if you are married.
View information regarding dates for upcoming Assessment Centers by following this link: MNA Assessment Schedule.
Mission to North America Church Planter Assessment Center