- Reach the Haitian American community in Miami, Florida – 90.7 percent of whom are unchurched.
- Develop ten additional Haitian American PCA churches in major cities and counties of the US that will become central in a multiplying movement throughout North America.
- Solidify ownership of church planting expansion among Haitian American PCA leaders, lay persons, and churches.
Why the PCA Seeks a Stronger Haitian American Presence
Through the evangelistic efforts of our churches, the PCA is devoted to reaching the multitudes for Jesus Christ, and Haitian Americans are a key segment of this great number. Continuing an immigration to the US that began in 1957, Haitians are fleeing one of the most overpopulated and poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. There is a tremendous need to minister to these people and to train leaders for church planting and discipleship in North America. In addressing this need, a number of indigenous leaders are being prepared, and Haitian movement leaders will guide them in planting a steadily increasing number of PCA churches to serve Haitian-Americans and lead many to Christ.
MNA Haitian American Movement Leader
My wife Sharon and I are strongly committed to ministry among the Haitian American population. I grew up in Haiti and came to the US to train as an engineer, but was soon drawn toward the ministry. After receiving my graduate education at Columbia International University and Jacksonville Theological Seminary, I was ordained by the PCA in 1995. Then, by God’s grace, I planted El Shaddai Presbyterian in Miami, which I now pastor. In addition I was involved in starting a Christian academy and three additional PCA churches in south Florida and one in Chicago. It is evidence of the power of God that our Haitian leaders are recognized as effective evangelists in the PCA in that their mission churches are almost exclusively established on evangelistic growth.
- Establish foundations in south Florida, ministering to first and second generation Haitians and develop a church planting training center.
- Develop a network of Haitian-American leaders for aggressive church planting in order to expand to other areas in North America with sizable Haitian populations.
- Provide Haitian American PCA leaders with services related to vision casting, recruiting, placement, assessment, funding, and training.
We Invite Your Participation
Please join with us in praying that many people will find hope in Jesus Christ and that lives will be changed through the Haitian American church planting movement. Pray that a growing number of Haitian-Americans will be called to serve as PCA leaders.
We ask that you prayerfully consider participating with us through your financial support. Please send tax-deductible contributions, made payable to Mission to North America and designated for Haitian American Ministries, to:
Mission to North America
PO Box 890233
Charlotte NC 28289-0233
For additional information, contact Dony St. Germain:
Office: 305-688-0344
Email: donysha@aol.com
Cell: 786-543-2004