Mission to North (MNA) recommends that you carefully consider the following books and articles. Although they do not all necessarily represent Presbyterian and reformed standards, their content falls within the theological boundaries of the broader evangelical community. This recommendation does not imply agreement with or endorsement of the practices or beliefs of the authors.
CTS (Christian Television System) Interview
Click here to view an interview (in Korean) with former Korean Ministries Coordinator Henry Koh about Korean American Ministry in the PCA.
2011 CAARL Conference
Click here to access all the audio files.
From the 2010 Korean American Pastors Conference
Rev. Henry Koh – Feed My Sheep
Dr. Paul Lim – Sitting Down with … A Symphonic Witness in Four Movements
Rev. Stephen Ro – The Gospel and Pastoral Ministry
Dr. Jeff Jue – The Asian American Church: History, Racialization and Globalization
Dr. Julius Kim – Preaching Christ from Old Testament Narratives
Dr. Steve Park – Korean Church History and How It Informs Korean Christianity
Dr. Min Chung – The Kingdom Character
Dr. Paul Kim – My Journey in Gospel Living and Ministry
Panel Discussion
From the 2009 Korean American Pastors’ Conference
(Click the player to listen. To download the .mp3, right click on the title and select Save Link As.)
Dr. Philip Ryken – Investing in Ministry with the Gospel
Dr. Philip Ryken – Leadership for Mission
Dr. Philip Ryken – Preaching
Dr. Philip Ryken – Theology of Ministry
Church Planting: Ted Powers and Stephen Ro
Tuesday Evening Worship – Stephen Ro
From the 2008 EM Pastors’ conference
Opening Worship (.mp3) Min Chung
1907 Great Revival and Its Impact on Korean Church History(.mp3) Young Hee Park
Biblical Counseling and the Use of Sripture (.mp3) Paul Tripp
Church Leadership Development (.mp3) Paul Tripp
Praise and Worship (.mp3) Iron Kim
Sanctification in the Middle of Messiness of Relationships (.mp3) Paul Tripp
Your Walk with God is a Community Project (.mp3) Paul Tripp
Progressive Sanctification and the Antisocial Nature of Sin (.mp3) Paul Tripp
Articles and Papers
Koh, Henry. “Korean American Ministries Plan in the PCA (Its Past, Present and Future).”
Koh, Henry. “21st Century World Misson through Mission to America,” presented at the 2009 Korea World Mission Conference. Available in English and Korean.
Park, Dr. Young Hee. “The Great Revival Movement of 1907 And its Historical Impact on the Korean Church,” presented at the 2008 EM Pastors’ Conference.
Colson, Charles. Being the Body – A New Call for the Church to be Light in the Darkness. W Publishing Group, A Division of Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Colson, Charles. The Good Life. Tyndale House Publishers.
Clowney, Edmund. Called to The Ministry. Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co.
Ecklund, Elane Howard. Korean American Evangelicals: New Models for Civic Life. Oxford University Press, 2008.
Han, Danny. Hope of Reconciliation: Connecting First and Second-Generation Pastors. JAMA Publishing.
Hunt, Susan. Leadership for Women in the Church. Zondervan Publishing House.
Hunt, Susan. Big Truths for Little Kids: Teaching your Children to Live for God. Crossway.
Nee, Watchman. Love Not The World: Prophetic Call to Holy Living. CLC Publishers.
Pope, Randy. The Prevailing Church: An Alternative Approach to Ministry. Moody Publishers.
Pope, Randy. The Answer: Putting an End to the Search for Life Satisfaction. Canterbury Press.
Ryken, Phil. Loving the Way Jesus Loves. Crossway.
Ryken, Phil. City on a Hill. Moody Publishers.
Spurgeon, C. H. The Soul Winner. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1963, ISBN: 0802811868.
Tripp, Ted. Shepherding a Child’s Heart. Shepherd Press.
Yoo, David K and Ruth H. Chung, eds. Religion and Spirituality in Korean America. University of Illinois Press, 2008.