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Billings MT

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Josh and Katie Charette

Billings, Montana 

Great Plains Gathering is a church plant within the PCA intentionally serving Native American and First Nations people in Billings, Montana. Billings has a diverse population of native people with up to 40 different tribes represented. Josh Charette is the founding pastor of GPG and is Turtle Mountain Chippewa. Josh grew up in Billings and graduated with an MDiv from Covenant Theological Seminary in 2010. He is married to Katie and they have three children: Alex, Aidan and Ella. It is the vision of GPG to see Christ’s Kingdom extend through Gospel ministry in both word and deed in such a way that true hope and peace would flourish among Billings Indian people. There is great need to intentionally build community through the Gospel and Native American people have much to contribute to the Body of Christ. Please pray with and for us as we serve. Visit our site at www.greatplainsgathering.com.

Updated on June 21, 2023

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