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Coronavirus Announcement from MNA Disaster Response

As you are aware the World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus (COVID-19) to be a pandemic. Churches and individuals are encouraged to stay alert and informed about the impact in their particular communities and to adhere to the recommendations of local authorities and the CDC about appropriate protocals. (CDC – What You Need to KnowHow to Protect YourselfHousehold Preparation;  What To Do If You Are Sick)

Dr. Jerry Jacob, Deacon at Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia PA and Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at Penn Medicine; the Director of Infection Preventions at Good Shepherd Penn Partners, has written an excellent article about the coronavirus. He suggests two categories for us to think about regarding this pandemic; the first relates to wisdom and the second relates to mercy. Please click here to read this article in full.

Updated on February 9, 2022

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