Hundreds of families in PCA churches have lost jobs due to COVID-19, and many of those jobs have disappeared long-term. Many of these families have exhausted savings and are finding it difficult to feed their families. And now many are struggling to pay their cumulative overdue rent, after local eviction moratoriums have been lifted.
You can help provide a degree of stability for these brothers and sisters in Christ while they start the difficult search for new employment, by giving to the Mission to North America Ethnos Coalition Relief Fund. Funds will be distributed through the deacons of local PCA minority churches to individuals and families who have been disproportionately affected. More information can be found here. You can make an online donation or you can also choose to donate through the PCA Foundation.
Many thanks to the 7 PCA churches and 52 individuals and families who have donated as of early July, making it possible for $30,000 in funds to be awarded so far, through the deacons of 7 PCA churches, one each in the states of California, Florida, Illinois, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Texas.
Do you know of a PCA church that should apply, since their own local resources have been stretched to the maximum in responding to urgent requests from struggling members? Please alert them! The Ethnos Relief Fund application can be found here.