Frequently Asked Questions
Am I the Right Person to Direct an ESL School
at My Church?
Please answer the following questions to see if you would be a suitable candidate for directing an ESL School.
1. How many languages do you speak fluently?
2. How many mission trips have you been on?
3. How many foreign countries have you visited?
4. Do you currently have friends of different ethnic backgrounds?
5. Are you a certified ESL teacher?
6. Are you a highly organized person?
7. Do you love Jesus?
8. Do you speak English?
Scoring: Regardless of your answers to questions 1 through 6, if you answered Yes to numbers 7 and 8 you are qualified.
Question 1: It really doesn’t matter if you speak another language. ESL Schools are English immersion, meaning that no translation is required. Studies show that students actually learn English faster and retain it longer if they are taught in an English immersion environment.
Questions 2, 3 & 4: It really doesn’t matter if you have been to other countries or are already friends with people from other nations. The guiding principle of “love they neighbor” will carry you through. Your students want to know about American culture and you certainly can share that. A heart that truly seeks to love and serve will overcome any cultural obstacles that you face.
Question 5: You don’t have to be a certified ESL teacher. Our ESL Schools teach Conversational English, focusing on how to survive in everyday American life. We don’t focus on the grammar and linguistics that you would find in a college class. Some training is necessary. The MNA ESL Director is currently working with experienced ESL teachers to put together a PCA ESL Teacher Training Program. Until that is completed, we suggest that all Directors and ESL Teachers take the 14 ½ hour ESL Teacher Training Course offered by the Southern Baptist North American Missions Board. MNA’s ESL Director can help you find the trainer closest to you.
Question 6: It does help to be naturally organized if you direct an ESL school, but again these are things that can be learned. The MNA ESL Director will work with all new school directors to help them set up and run their school.
Questions 7 & 8: If you love Jesus and you speak English, all the rest can be learned. Jesus is more concerned with youravailability than with your ability.
For more information, please contact the MNA ESL Director:
Nancy Booher