Prefer to give by check or money order? Mail to Mission to North America, PO Box 890233, Charlotte NC 28289-0233.
Thousands of members of PCA congregations throughout North America have been affected particularly severely by the COVID-19 shutdowns. Many worked as nannies, housekeepers, handymen, day laborers, dishwashers, busboys or home health care aides. Their jobs and their income have come to an abrupt halt, and few will qualify for any government relief. The majority lived paycheck to paycheck, and they have already exhausted their meager savings. Now they have no food to offer their children. For many, English is their second language, which makes accessing any local government assistance programs challenging if not impossible. Their church is the one place they know and trust to find help amidst crisis. This relief fund will provide temporary expanded resources for the diaconates of PCA churches that are experiencing exponential increases in need as they respond to their poor and marginalized communities, to enable them to give immediate relief to those in critical need. One of our ministries already knows of 400 of their families now with no income, and daily we learn of hundreds of others. We pray that God will move your heart to give sacrificially for these brothers and sisters in Christ whose need is immediate and for whom your gift during this crucial period may literally be life-saving.
You can donate to the Ethnos Coalition Relief Fund online, or mail a check to:
Mission to North America
PO Box 890233
Charlotte NC 28289-0233