Neon enables the creation, maintenance and use of custom fields for accounts, donations, events and membership. [See Neon introduction article on Custom Fields] This resource article outlines how MNA will use custom fields in the different areas.
One positive feature of custom fields is they can be grouped, sorted and presented for viewing and editing in logical formats.

Account Custom Fields
Neon documentation on Account Custom Fields
Account custom fields are those additional fields of information MNA wishes to capture and use relating to individuals and organizations. While Neon supports the use of separate custom fields for individuals and companies, we will use the “All Accounts” type as it has the broadest use in reports and custom forms.
MNA has created the following groups of custom fields based primarily on the need to move Attribute data from Raisers Edge:

Using the ‘Configure’ option on the Account viewing pages, we have been able to only make those groups visible which should apply to their respective account type. “MNA Account Details” appear on both individual & company pages where all others apply to one account type only.
Personalizing Your Account View
Neon documentation on Configuring Your Account View. Your view of Individual & Company accounts can be personalized to:
- Select and arrange the Account sections on the left
- Select and arrange base and custom field groups in the main window
- Select visibility of individual fields

Creating / Editing / Deleting Custom Fields
Insert MNA rules for determining new custom fields
Donation Custom Fields
MNA donation custom fields brought over from RE include:

One limitation of Donation custom fields is that they cannot be used in the batch donation utility.