Newsletter and Website Manager

Opportunity to Serve

Listing 210727A – Midwest Alliance, Woodridge, IL

Printable version of this listing: Opportunity 210727A Midwest Alliance Website Manager

1. Organization:

Church or Ministry Name: Midwest Alliance
Location:  Woodridge, IL
Ministry Contact:  Ann Powers

2. Opportunity:

Job Title:  Newsletter and Website Manager
Job Description:  Put together a Mailchimp – based newsletter (all information provided; just layout assistance needed) 5 or 6 times a year, making necessary updates to the website at the same frequency (Squarespace based). Mailchimp is cross posted automatically to FB and Insta pages, but some slight entry work to both platforms may be involved. Not consistent or multiple.
Paid or Volunteer:  Volunteer
Housing:  None
Special Qualifications:  Experienced (or quick learner) with Mailchimp and Squarespace platforms. Good communication skills and ability to work on deadlines, but deadlines are not unpredictable or unreasonably quick. Recent samples of the newsletter can be forwarded upon request.
Hours per Week:  Less than one, usually 5 hours every 2 or 3 months
Worksite Location (in person, virtual, etc.): Virtual
Expected Length of Need: Ongoing

3. Contact Information:

The following person may be contacted to find out more about this opportunity to serve.

Name:  Sherry Lanier
Title:  MNA SecondCareer Facilitator
Phone:  678-294-3012

4. About the Ministry:

Here is a brief paragraph (120 words) describing the church or ministry to be served (size, demographics, year started, etc.).

Our hope is to see PCA churches and presbyteries in the Midwest function as an Alliance where we are committed to working together towards this vision, contributing resources to one another, praying for one another, fostering cooperation, and coordinating our efforts with one another in order that we might plant churches and renew existing congregations. The Midwest Allliance has been in existence in this form since 2019, but with roots and history in the PCA/MNA for the past 35 years.

Please be advised that opportunity listings are based on information provided by the church or ministry seeking help.  MNA lists these opportunities as a service to PCA ministries and individuals, but makes no representation as to the accuracy, suitability, or availability of the opportunity and does not assess the suitability or qualifications of any participants.

MNA SecondCareer is a ministry of Mission to North America, Presbyterian Church in America

Updated on August 2, 2021

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