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  5. ¡Plantemos! A New Dawn for Hispanic Church Planting in the USA
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  4. ¡Plantemos! A New Dawn for Hispanic Church Planting in the USA
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  5. ¡Plantemos! A New Dawn for Hispanic Church Planting in the USA

¡Plantemos! A New Dawn for Hispanic Church Planting in the USA

¡Plantemos! is packed with everything you need to navigate the complexity of Hispanic church planting in the US. Inspiring vignettes, step-by-step instructions, and contextualized church planting principles and timelines equip you for planting among the largest minority in the US.

This book…

  • helps church planters and their sending organizations apply the principles of the seven stages of church planting.
  • teaches church planters to write thoughtful and compelling church planting proposals.
  • provides transferable principles for church planting movements in other cultures.

¡Plantemos! can be purchased on Amazon or accessed for free as a PDF on our website www.hispanicministry.org/  under the resources section.

Updated on July 21, 2023

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