Opportunity to Serve
Listing 1255B – Christ Fellowship, Roswell GA
Printable version of this listing: Opportunity 1255B Christ Fellowship Admin Assistant
1. Organization:
Church or Ministry Name: Christ Fellowship
Location: Roswell, GA
Pastor: Rev. Brian Oaks
Website: gatheredbygrace.com
2. Opportunity:
Job Title: Administrative Assistant
Job Description: General administrative help with the functions of the church plant. Assist with communications, emails, follow up, formatting and printing newsletters, etc.
Paid or Volunteer: Volunteer.
Housing: N/A
Special Qualifications: Solid communications and organizational gifts; servant heart; proficient office skills.
Hours per Week: Flexible.
Worksite Location (in person, virtual, etc.): In person.
Expected Length of Need: Ongoing
3. Contact Information:
The following person may be contacted to find out more about this opportunity to serve.
Name: Barbara Campbell
Title: MNA SecondCareer Facilitator
Email: bcampbell@pcanet.org
Phone: 804-339-5005
4. About the Ministry:
Here is a brief paragraph (120 words) describing the church or ministry to be served (size, demographics, year started, etc.).
Christ Fellowship is a church plant of the PCA in Roswell, GA with a mission to be a Gospel Centered, Outward-Facing Church with a passion to see Christ’s Kingdom flourish in our community and surrounding region.
Please be advised that opportunity listings are based on information provided by the church or ministry seeking help. MNA lists these opportunities as a service to PCA ministries and individuals, but makes no representation as to the accuracy, suitability, or availability of the opportunity and does not assess the suitability or qualifications of any participants.
MNA SecondCareer is a ministry of Mission to North America, Presbyterian Church in America