Opportunity to Serve
MNA Metanoia Prison Ministry, Chattanooga TN – Listing 1073A
Printable version of this listing: Opportunity 1073A Metanoia Correspondinding Discipler
1. Organization:
Church or Ministry Name: MNA Metanoia Prison Ministry
Address: Chattanooga TN
Ministry Leader: Mark Casson
Website: pcamna.org/metanoia-ministries
2. Opportunity:
Job Title: Corresponding Discipler with prisoners.
Job Description: One-on-one discipling and mentoring with a prisoner by mail leading the prisoner through Bible study courses. All study materials are provided along with answer keys to study questions, envelopes and postage.
Paid or Volunteer: Volunteer.
Housing: Not applicable.
Special Qualifications: A desire to serve a prisoner through Bible study.
Hours per week: One hour per month.
Worksite Location (in person, virtual, etc.): Virtual.
Expected Length of Need: Ongoing until prisoner is released.
3. Contact Information:
The following person may be contacted to find out more about this opportunity to serve.
Name: Sherry Lanier
Title: MNA SecondCareer Facilitator
Email: slanier@pcanet.org
Phone: 678-294-3012
4. About the Ministry:
Here is a brief paragraph describing the ministry to be served.
Metanoia is the Greek word for Repentance, signifying turning from a life of sin to a life that is lived for the glory of God. Additional ministry information about Metanoia Prison Ministries is available online.
Metanoia Ministries offers churches the opportunity to develop a discipleship and outreach ministry for prisoners in their own communities. Metanoia acts as a facilitator, walking alongside the church, by offering the key tools for an all-inclusive ministry including evangelism, discipleship and reintegration of prisoners. Additional ministry information is available online.
Please be advised that opportunity listings are based on information provided by the church or ministry seeking help. MNA lists these opportunities as a service to PCA ministries and individuals, but makes no representation as to the accuracy, suitability, or availability of the opportunity and does not assess the suitability or qualifications of any participants.
MNA SecondCareer is a ministry of Mission to North America, Presbyterian Church in America, www.pcamna.org/second-careerREgio