Korean Ministries Resources Mission to North (MNA) recommends that you carefully consider the following books and articles. Although they do not all necessarily...
Korean American Leadership Initiative Korean American Leadership Initiative (KALI) is a working group out of the Mission to North America (MNA). We are dedicated to cultivating greater participation and development of future Korean American leaders in the Presbyterian Church in America. We also long to see more Christ centered churches planted to meet the needs of a world in need of the Gospel.
Contact Us Native American/First Nations Ministries Jeb Bland Native American/First Nations Ministries Coordinator 610-823-4308 jebland@pcanet.org Josh Charette Rocky Mountain Native American Ministries...
Suggested Reading and Viewing – Native American/First Nations Ministry Mission to North America (MNA) recommends the following books and articles for their insight into Native American history and culture....
Contact Us Network of Portuguese Speaking Churches Juliano Socio Network of Portuguese Speaking Churches Coordinator Cell: 203-739-5590 jsocio@pcanet.org
Resource Organizations If you would like your organization to be considered for inclusion in our list of resources, please review...
Becoming An Evangelistic Church Most churches that are committed to being or becoming an evangelistic church, who want to reach the lost...
Contact Us URBAN & MERCY MINISTRIES Randy Nabors Urban & Mercy Ministries Coordinator 770-905-6976 rnabors@pcanet.org Robert Blevins Administrator of Logistics and Training...
Helping the Poor through Faith and Finances Training The Chalmers Center has created a financial education program for low-to moderate-income people called Faith & Finances. This program is...
Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity is an ecumenical, Christian ministry whose purpose is to build homes and communities in partnership...
Training Mission to North America seeks to serve as a helpful resource for our constituents, especially in the area...
Urban and Mercy Ministries Resources Randy Nabors Speaking at the MNA Ministries Luncheon at the 41st General Assembly Click here for download options at the...
Health Insurance Search Resource As a service to PCA church planters and others in the PCA, Mission to North America provides this resource to...
Essential Functions in Church Planting 1. VISION A clear, compelling picture of a desired future that directs and shapes the church...
Church Planter Assessment Center “Choosing and retaining the right pastor is the key variable in planting a new mission.” -Lyle Schaller Go directly to MNA...