Will You Minister to Those in Prison? “…I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:36) Have you...
Correspondence Ministry How-To Videos Welcome and Intro (0:56) Receiving Your First Packet (1:18) Discipler’s Guide (1:21) Grading A Lesson (1:50) ...
Metanoia Minute Newsletter Metanoia sends out a monthly email newsletter. You can read the latest edition as well as back issues here. You...
Prison Ministries Testimonials “I have been encouraged by being an instructor for a Metanoia prisoner. As I read and grade each lesson, I...
Interesting Information about Prisons 1% of the adult population of America is in prison, or about 2.4 million! 7.5% of the adult population of...
How You Can Help Metanoia Prison Ministries Become a Volunteer Instructor: Every prisoner who becomes a student of God’s Word needs a personal instructor to review...
Metanoia Prison Ministries Forms and Documents Note: all forms should be mailed to: Metanoia Prison Ministries PO Box 1907 Tarpon Springs FL 34688-1907 or emailed to metanoiaministries.metmin@gmail.com...
Metanoia Prison Ministries Courses Level 1 – Course 1: Ultimate Questions. This is a study of John Blanchard’s pamphlet entitled Ultimate Questions....
How a Church Does Metanoia Let the Discipleship Begin Everything begins with our correspondence course ministry. Male and female Christian prisoners across America...
What We Can Do for Your Church Engaging the Church Why would the church need to be “engaged” or “recruited” to do the work...
Metanoia Prison Ministries “Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also...
Metanoia Prison Ministries newsletters You can access both current and archived issues via these links. San Joaquen updates from Tim McCracken Metanoia Minute Newsletter...